RPM, Volume 15, Number 1, December 30 to January 5, 2013

Just a Little Bit More

The 10th Commandment
Exodus 20:17

By Mike Osborne

Today we come to the end of our series on the Ten Commandments. I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as we’ve enjoyed preaching it.

I had three goals for this series:

Two things: 1. The sin of covetousness — what it is 2. The solution to covetousness — how to deal with it

I. The sin of covetousness

What does it mean to covet? To covet means to have an inordinate desire for that which God has not chosen to give you. It’s an insatiable craving for more — for something newer, bigger, faster, better, cheaper, smarter, prettier, nicer than what you currently have... something that you think will complete you, fill your cup, give you a sense of having arrived.

It’s a very subtle sin. It’s subtle because it’s very easy to hide. Some of the nicest people on the outside are consumed with covetousness on the inside.

I think God waited until the end of the Ten Commandments to pull out the biggest gun in his arsenal.

Covetousness is rampant in our society. It fuels the consumerist culture that runs our economy. It’s glamorized in TV commercials. It’s at the heart of our addiction to work and pornography and money and other things.

And it’s toxic to the soul. In the Bible you see many examples of what it does to people…

Coveting is worse than jealousy. Jealousy says, “I want what you have.” Coveting means harm to your neighbor. It says, “I want what you have, and I don’t want you to have it. In fact I resent you because you have it and I don’t.”

That’s why the opposite of coveting is not just contentment. That’s part of it, to be sure. But the opposite of coveting is love. You see this in Matt 19:16-19 (the rich young ruler)…

The Westminster Larger Catechism picks up on this (Q 147):

In other words, the opposite of coveting what your neighbor has is celebrating what your neighbor has.

Now let me correct a possible misunderstanding.

Desires are not necessarily sinful. Desire, in itself, is not bad. There are many good things in the world that we should desire. It’s good to desire that the people suffering the effects of Hurricane Sandy get relief. It’s good to desire that your candidate win the election on Tuesday. It’s fine to desire good clothes and good food. “God richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment” (1 Tim 6:17). Husbands and wives should desire a good marriage. The desire for sex within marriage, the desire for a nice home, the desire for the advance of the gospel — these and many others are good and right to desire. We are not Buddhists, we are Christians. Buddhism teaches that you should get rid of desires. Christianity teaches otherwise. We are human beings with bodies and souls, and human beings were made to desire. That’s one way we are like God.

So when does desire become covetousness?

At the beginning of that process, simple desire was OK. But as soon as I start to nurse that desire and as soon as I think that what I desire will give me life, and as soon as I resent my neighbor for what he or she has, it’s covetousness.

Desire is good. Desire for the wrong things and with the wrong intent is a violation of the 10th commandment.

II. So what’s the solution? How do you fight coveting?

Turn to Psalm 34:4-9.

Can it be that Jesus Christ is so good, so wonderful, so satisfying, that all your desires find their fulfillment in him? Is it possible that Jesus and his love are far more glorious than you have yet discovered? And were you to discover more of the breadth and length and depth and height of the love of Christ, is it possible that you would stop craving that home entertainment system, or that skinnier body, or that job, or that car, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor?

YES! “Those who look to HIM are radiant. Those who fear HIM lack no good thing.”

See, friends, your problem is not that your desires are too strong. They are actually too weak. To borrow from C. S. Lewis, you’re content making mud pies in a slum when God is offering you a holiday at the sea. You’re looking for life, and love, and beauty, and pleasure in material things, and things that are going to pass away, and things that God in his wisdom has not given you. And all the while Jesus is standing right there, saying, “Come to me, the fountain of living water, the bread of life, the light of the world, and I will give you rest.”

Illus.: A covetous person is like someone trying to live on candy corn. Last Tuesday was National Candy Corn Day. I love candy corn. Candy corn is good. But it’s not that good. I’d rather have a meal at Four Rivers BBQ, wouldn’t you?

In the same way, Jesus is infinitely better than everything this world has to offer.

Remember at the beginning I said that there were three reasons I wanted to preach through the Ten Commandments? First reason — to help you develop a love for God’s law. Second reason — to stir you to action and obedience. Third reason — to drive you to Jesus.

The law of God reveals your sin so you’ll take it to the cross and leave it there. And that’s particularly true of the 10th commandment, because like I said, this commandment more than all the others exposes the heart.

Next time you covet something, do what Paul did. Cry out to Jesus. Thank Jesus that you lack no good thing. Sing that song, “Give me Jesus, give me Jesus. You can have all this world, just give me Jesus.” Thank him for his love, which is better than life. Thank him for obeying the law for you, and dying on the cross for your disobedience. Ask him for help. Say to him, “Wretched man that I am! Wretched woman that I am! Who will rescue me from coveting after things that don’t matter? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ my Lord.”

And if you struggle with covetousness (and all of us do), come to the table. Come to Jesus and rest. Believe that “his grace is enough.” Believe that the only Person whose opinion really matters has said that you are complete in Christ, that your sins are paid for, that you’ve been adopted, that you are his and he is yours, and you are rich beyond measure in him.

Preach the gospel to yourself when you are tempted to covet position or possessions or power or prosperity. Those things do not satisfy. Jesus satisfies.

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