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Dr. William Edgar

William Edgar is Professor of Apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary. He holds degrees from Harvard University, Westminster Theological Seminary and DThol, Universit de Genve. From 1970-1978 he taught at Brunswick School in Greenwich, CT, and from 1979-1989 he was Professor of Apologetics, Facult Libre de Thologie Rforme, Aix-en-Provence, France. He has been at Westminster since 1989. Dr. Edgar is an ordained Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and belongs to a number of learned societies, including the American Musicological Society, The Evangelical Theological Society, The American Historical Association, and The Society for Ethnomusicology. He also serves on several boards and regularly takes part as a speaker in the Veritas Forum programs. He has written or contributed to numerous books and articles.


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