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Dr. Gary D. Long

Dr. Gary D. Long is President of the Faculty, Ex-officio Member of the Board of Directors, Professor of NT Literature & Exegesis and Biblical, Systematic and Historical Theology at Providence Theological Seminary in Colorado Springs, CO. He received a B.S. from the University of Missouri at Columbia, and a Th.M and Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary. From 1972-1982 he was a church planter while in military service and was the Executive Director of Sovereign Grace Ministries from 1979-2009. He is a retired U.S. Army Field Artillery Colonel and the author of a number of sovereign grace articles and published books, including: Definite Atonement; The Doctrine of Salvation; Biblical Law and Ethics: Absolute and Covenantal; and Context! Evangelical Views on the Millennium Examined. He also wrote an introductory preface and republished the First London Baptist Confession of Faith with an Appendix by Benjamin Cox, first published in 1646.


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