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Dr. William Wymond

Dr. William K. Wymond is a native of Louisville, Kentucky. He graduated from Belhaven College in 1967, and received both his M.Div Degree (1970) and his D.Min Degree (1988) from Reformed Theological Seminary.

Bill served as assistant pastor and church organist at First Presbyterian Churchuntil 1972, when he returned to Belhaven as assistant professor of Bible. From 1978 until 1988, he again served on the First Pres staff as assistant pastor and choir director, and at various times as staff administrator and visitation/outreach director.

From 1989 until 1993, he was assistant pastor at the Independent Presbyterian Church, Memphis, Tennessee, and later at the Independent Presbyterian Church, Savannah, Georgia.

In 1993, Bill returned to First Presbyterian as assistant pastor and Minister of Music and Media. In this capacity, he provides direction for both adult and children's choirs and television and radio ministries. Under his leadership, the choir regularly provides worship opportunities for the congregation with standard works such as Elijah, The Messiah, and A German Requiem. During the Christmas season, the Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols has helped focus our worship on the birth of God's Son, our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.


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