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John Davies

John Davies

John A. Davies is Principal Emeritus, Presbyterian Theological Centre. John holds the degrees of PhD (University of Sydney, 2001), MDiv (Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, 1978), MA Hons (University of Sydney, 1975), and BA Hons (University of Sydney, 1972). John teaches and supervises research in Biblical Studies. He has taught at PTC for over 30 years and was Principal from 1992 to 2009. John has had pastoral ministry in both country and city parishes in the Presbyterian Church in New South Wales and has taught English and Music at the secondary school level. He is a Director of the Australian College of Theology and holds memberships in the Society of Biblical Literature, the Society for the Study of Early Christianity, the National Association of Professors of Hebrew and the Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical Studies. He is also the Convener of the College Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia


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