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Billy Dempsey

Billy Dempsey was born and reared in the north Mississippi town of Byhalia. He was educated at Lambuth College, Jackson, Tennessee, and Delta State University, Cleveland, Mississippi, where he graduated in 1977. After teaching English and Spanish at Clarksdale High School, Billy entered Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson in June, 1980. In 1985, Mississippi Valley Presbytery called him to serve as RUF Campus Minister at Belhaven College. In 1992, Missouri Presbytery called him to bring RUF’s ministry to the University of Missouri. Billy left campus ministry for the pastorate in 1997, serving churches in Missouri and Alabama before returning to First Pres-Jackson on September 1 to serve as Minister of Discipleship. He and his wife, Debbie, were married on July 3, 1975. They have 3 children: David, married to Megan, Mary Katherine, and Drew. David and Megan are the parents of a daughter, Eden, making Billy and Debbie delighted grandparents. Billy is an avid reader of history, biography, and theology, a hiker and camper, and an amateur sailor.


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