Free Seminary Courses, Lessons and Lectures
Third Millennium Ministries' seminary lessons are available online in video, audio and text formats. Lessons are completely free to download and to view online. Downloaded lessons may be freely copied and distributed. DVDs are also available for past series. Third Millennium Ministries also offers an online classroom for use by students, teachers and institutions.
Third Millennium Ministries is a publisher, not an educational institution. In order to receive academic credit for our courses, students must study under the supervision and administration of a school or other institution.
Learn more about our seminary curriculum here.
Courses by Topic:
- Introduction to Theological Studies
- Building Your Theology (1 credit)
- Building Systematic Theology (2 credits)
- Building Biblical Theology (2 credits)
- Basic Christian Doctrine
- The Apostles' Creed (3 credits)
- We Believe in God (2 credits)
- We Believe in Jesus (2.5 credits)
- Intermediate Christian Doctrine
- What is Man? (2 credits)
- We Believe in the Holy Spirit (2.5 credits)
- Your Kingdom Come: The Doctrine of Eschatology (2 credits)
- Introduction to the Old Testament
- Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament (2 credits)
- Introduction to the New Testament
- Kingdom & Covenant in the New Testament (2 credits)
- Pentateuch
- The Pentateuch (3 credits)
- The Primeval History (1 credit)
- Father Abraham (1 credit)
- The Pentateuch (3 credits)
- Gospels & Acts
- The Gospels (2.5 credit)
- The Book of Acts (1 credit)
- Pauline Epistles
- The Heart of Paul's Theology (1.5 credits)
- Paul's Prison Epistles (2 credits)
- General Epistles
- The Book of Hebrews (1 credit)
- The Epistle of James (1 credit)
- The Book of Revelation (2 credits)
- Hermeneutics
- He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation (3 credits)
- He Gave Us Prophets (1.5 credits)
- Biblical Ethics
- Making Biblical Decisions (4 credits)
Seminary Courses
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Courses - Old
Testament - Old
Testament - New
Testament - New
Testament - Theology
- Theology
- Practical
Theology - Practical
Third Millennium Ministries' seminary lessons are available online in video, audio and text formats. Lessons are completely free to download and to view online.
Downloaded lessons may be freely copied and distributed. DVDs are also available for past series. Third Millennium Ministries also offers an online classroom for use by students, teachers and institutions.
Third Millennium Ministries is a publisher, not an educational institution. In order to receive academic credit for our courses, students must study under the supervision and administration of a school or other institution.
Third Millennium Ministries' curriculum is a work in progress that will be completed in three stages:
- Stage 1 — Certificate
- A 27-credit 1-year curriculum suitable for a certificate in Christian ministry.
- Stage 2 — M.A.C.M.
- A 27-credit addition to the certificate curriculum to form a 54-credit 2-year curriculum suitable for an M.A. in Christian ministry.
- Stage 3 — M.Div. core
- A 27-credit addition to the M.A. curriculum to provide the academic core of an M.Div. program. Seminaries may choose to add their own practicum and/or language courses to this core.
The courses below are currently available. Courses (e.g., The Heart of Paul's theology) are grouped with similar courses with common objectives (e.g., Pauline Epistles). Click on any course or course grouping in order to find out more about it.
- Introduction to Theological Studies
- Building Your Theology (1 credit)
- Building Systematic Theology (2 credits)
- Building Biblical Theology (2 credits)
- Basic Christian Doctrine
- The Apostles' Creed (3 credits)
- We Believe in God (2 credits)
- We Believe in Jesus (2.5 credits)
- Intermediate Christian Doctrine
- What is Man? (2 credits)
- We Believe in the Holy Spirit (2.5 credits)
- Your Kingdom Come: The Doctrine of Eschatology (2 credits)
- Introduction to the Old Testament
- Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament (2 credits)
- Introduction to the New Testament
- Kingdom & Covenant in the New Testament (2 credits)
- Pentateuch
- The Pentateuch (3 credits)
- The Primeval History (1 credit)
- Father Abraham (1 credit)
- The Pentateuch (3 credits)
- Gospels & Acts
- The Gospels (2.5 credit)
- The Book of Acts (1 credit)
- Pauline Epistles
- The Heart of Paul's Theology (1.5 credits)
- Paul's Prison Epistles (2 credits)
- General Epistles
- The Book of Hebrews (1 credit)
- The Epistle of James (1 credit)
- The Book of Revelation (2 credits)
- Hermeneutics
- He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation (3 credits)
- He Gave Us Prophets (1.5 credits)
- Biblical Ethics
- Making Biblical Decisions (4 credits)
Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament
- Lessons: 4 (6 hrs. 4 min.)
- Course Group: Introduction to the Old Testament
- Content: Introduction to Old Testament theology
The Pentateuch
- Lessons: 11 (12 hrs. 25 min.)
- Forums: 4 (4 hrs. 23 min.)
- Course Group: Pentateuch
- Content: Genesis through Deuteronomy
The Primeval History
- Lessons: 4 (4 hrs. 7 min.)
- Course Group: Pentateuch
- Content: Meaning and application of Genesis 1–11
Father Abraham
- Lessons: 3 (2 hrs. 51 min.)
- Course Group: Pentateuch
- Content: Meaning and application of Genesis 12–25
The Book of Joshua
- Lessons: 4 (5 hrs. 3 min.)
- Course Group: Historical Books
- Content: Meaning and application of Joshua
He Gave Us Prophets
- Lessons: 8 (5 hrs. 37 min.)
- Course Group: Hermeneutics
- Content: Interpreting Old Testament prophecy
The Prophetic Wisdom of Hosea
- Lessons: 2 (3 hrs. 49 min.)
- Course Group: Prophetic Books
- Content: Meaning and application of Hosea
Kingdom & Covenant in the New Testament
- Lessons: 3 (3 hrs. 0 min.)
- Forums: 3 (3 hrs. 14 min.)
- Course Group: Introduction to the New Testament
- Content: Introduction to New Testament theology
The Gospels
- Lessons: 5 (10 hrs. 19 min.)
- Forums: 5 (6 hrs. 59 min.)
- Course Group: Gospels and Acts
- Content: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The Book of Acts
- Lessons: 3 (4 hrs. 12 min.)
- Forums: 3 (3 hrs. 32 min.)
- Course Group: Gospels and Acts
- Content: Meaning and application of Acts
The Heart of Paul's Theology
- Lessons: 4 (4 hrs. 30 min.)
- Forums: 4 (4 hrs. 41 min.)
- Course Group: Pauline Epistles
- Content: Galatians, 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Corinthians
Paul's Prison Epistles
- Lessons: 5 (7 hrs. 43 min.)
- Forums: 5 (6 hrs. 26 min.)
- Course Group: Pauline Epistles
- Content: Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians
The Book of Hebrews
- Lessons: 2 (2 hrs. 9 min.)
- Forums: 2 (2 hrs. 16 min.)
- Course Group: General Epistles
- Content: Meaning and application of Hebrews
The Epistle of James
- Lessons: 2 (2 hrs. 14 min.)
- Course Group: General Epistles
- Content: Meaning and application of James
The Book of Revelation
- Lessons: 3 (6 hrs. 14 min.)
- Forums: 3 (4 hrs. 19 min.)
- Course Group: General Epistles
- Content: Meaning and application of Revelation
The Apostles' Creed
- Lessons: 6 (9 hrs. 30 min.)
- Forums: 6 (8 hrs. 23 min.)
- Course Group: Basic Christian Doctrine
- Content: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, church, salvation
We Believe in God
- Lessons: 4 (5 hrs. 29 min.)
- Forums: 4 (4 hrs. 37 min.)
- Course Group: Basic Christian Doctrine
- Content: Knowledge of God, attributes, plan, works
We Believe in Jesus
- Lessons: 5 (10 hrs. 7 min.)
- Forums: 5 (6 hrs. 49 min.)
- Course Group: Basic Christian Doctrine
- Content: Jesus as redeemer, Christ, prophet, priest, king
We Believe in the Holy Spirit
- Lessons: 4 (5 hrs. 4 min.)
- Forums: 4 (3 hrs. 49 min.)
- Course Group: Basic Christian Doctrine
- Content: In the Trinity, world, church, and believer
What is Man?
- Lessons: 4 (5 hrs. 18 min.)
- Forums: 4 (4 hrs. 11 min.)
- Course Group: Intermediate Christian Doctrine
- Content: Creation, image of God, fall, covenant of grace
Your Kingdom Come: The Doctrine of Eschatology
- Lessons: 4 (5 hrs. 25 min.)
- Forums: 4 (4 hrs. 18 min.)
- Course Group: Intermediate Christian Doctrine
- Content: History's goal, Second Coming, Last Judgment
Building Your Theology
- Lessons: 4 (4 hrs. 17 min.)
- Forums: 4 (5 hrs. 48 min.)
- Course Group: Introduction to Theological Studies
- Content: Goals and priorities in theological studies
Building Systematic Theology
- Lessons: 4 (6 hrs. 15 min.)
- Forums: 4 (5 hrs. 31 min.)
- Course Group: Introduction to Theological Studies
- Content: Value and methodology of systematics
Building Biblical Theology
- Lessons: 4 (6 hrs. 0 min.)
- Forums: 4 (7 hrs. 3 min.)
- Course Group: Introduction to Theological Studies
- Content: Value and methodology of biblical theology
He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Intepretation
- Lessons: 11 (13 hrs. 49 min.)
- Forums: 11 (10 hrs. 36 min.)
- Course Group: Hermeneutics
- Content: Philosophy of and introduction to interpretation
Making Biblical Decisions
- Lessons: 10 (13 hrs. 49 min.)
- Course Group: Biblical Ethics
- Content: Methodology for studying biblical ethics