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Joshua Anderson

Joshua Anderson has been Associate Pastor of Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, MO, since 2008. Josh is a native of Richmond, Virginia. After being homeschooled through high school, he attended the University of Virginia and graduated in 2003 with a degree in English Literature and Poetry Writing and was awarded the Rachel St. Paul Prize for Poetry. Josh received his MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary in 2008 and was ordained as an Assistant Pastor at Providence in August of that year. Josh and and his wife, Ami, were married in 2003 and have two children: Cael and Gillian Mae. Pastor Anderson has been a Cardinals fan since he was a kid (and has a picture of himself, at nine years old, costumed as Stan Musial for Halloween to prove it). Even today he can't imagine a better summer evening than one with meat on the grill, a drink in his hand, and Mike Shannon on the radio


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